After you apply for financial aid and are admitted to DU, you'll receive an email when your financial aid offer is available for you to view through My4D. Use the following resources to help understand your offer and determine the next steps you need to take to secure your financial aid.
How to view your aid offer:
You'll receive an email once your financial aid offer is available to view online.
Log into My4D. If this is your first time logging in, your password will be your six-digit birth date in the MMDDYY format.
Click on the "View My Financial Aid Offer (PDF)" link within the Financial Aid Information widget on your dashboard.
Choose the appropriate aid year from the drop-down menu.
Your DU financial aid offer will include information about estimated costs, the types of aid offered to you, and what you can expect to pay out of pocket for the academic year. We do not assume all students will take classes in the summer, so unless otherwise listed, your initial offer may not include costs or aid for the summer quarter (a separate application for summer aid is available in the spring).
The estimated cost of attendance listed on your aid offer reflects the average costs of a student enrolled in your graduate program for one academic year and is broken down by direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are charges that are billed by DU, such as tuition and fees. Indirect costs are estimates for additional items including books, supplies, and personal expenses such as laundry, toiletries, and clothes. You are not billed for indirect costs.
This section of your aid offer will list any merit scholarships, grants, assistantships, or waivers you were offered at the time of admission to DU. For graduate students, these types of aid are managed by individual academic departments (instead of the financial aid office).
Most students are automatically offered at least one type of federal student loan. Loans are optional and are offered to you, which means you have to actively accept them if you'd like to borrow that additional funding. You can also choose to only borrow a portion of a loan offered to you, or not accept them at all. Remember that after you graduate, you'll have to repay any loan you borrowed during your time at DU.
This section of your aid offer provides an estimate of the amount you will pay directly to DU for the academic year. The first estimate shows what your out-of-pocket cost might be after all of your scholarships and grants are applied, without borrowing any loans. The second line shows your estimated cost if you choose to borrow the full amount of loans offered to you. There are a number of options to help you manage this unmet cost.
Click on the "Accept or Decline My Financial Aid Offer" link within the Financial Aid Information widget on your dashboard.
Select the appropriate aid year from the drop-down menu.
For students starting in the 2025 fall term, select the 2025-2026 Aid Year.
Click on the Terms and Conditions tab, review, and click "Accept."
Click on the Accept Award Offer tab. - Choose Accept or Decline in the drop-down menu next to each type of aid (most DU scholarships will already be accepted on your behalf). - If you wish to only accept a portion of a loan, type that amount in the "Accept Partial Amount" box. Remember that any amount you accept will be split evenly over your terms of enrollment — i.e., fall, winter, and spring quarters (or fall and spring semesters if you're a law student).
If you need to apply for an additional loan to help cover your costs, options include applying for a Graduate Plus loan or a private education loan. Both types of loans are credit-based and are not guaranteed financing.
JD students: A Graduate PLUS loan is automatically offered to you as a part of your initial financial aid offer. You may accept, decline, or accept a partial amount of that loan. Remember that this is not guaranteed financing, and you'll need to pass a credit check with the U.S. Department of Education if you accept it. We recommend borrowing federal student loans instead of a private education loan from a bank or credit union, but if you decide to borrow a private loan, we'll need to decrease or cancel the Graduate PLUS loan offered to you.
If you accepted a Direct Unsubsidized loan and are a first-time borrower, you must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling through to secure that funding:
If you are a JD student and accepted a Graduate PLUS loan, you'll need to complete a separate Master Promissory Note (MPN) through
DU offers our graduate students quarterly payment plans, as well as semester plans for law students. The application fee is $50 per quarter/semester plan.
If your financial aid is more than the total of your charges, you'll receive a refund from the Office of Student Billing. To expedite your refund, we recommend setting up direct deposit through My4D. Instructions can be found on the Office of Student Billing.
Many students are automatically enrolled in the DU Student Health Insurance Program and in DU health and counseling services. If you are covered by another health insurance plan, you may waive participation in DU’s health insurance. A separate health and counseling fee is charged per quarter, which provides many free and discounted services at DU’s Health & Counseling Center.
More information about this program, including instructions on how to waive participation in health insurance, is available on the Office of Student Billing website.
Be sure to frequently review the Financial Aid Checklist widget on your My4D dashboard. Any item with the open circle icon next to it requires further action and may prevent you from receiving your financial aid in a timely manner.
Additional Resources
For Graduate Students
These resources will help you understand your aid offer, estimate your bill and determine your next course of action.
Go to the graduate admission application to submit your information. For information on admission requirements, visit the graduate academic programs page and locate your program of interest.
Go to the graduate admission application to submit your information. For information on admission requirements, visit the graduate academic programs page and locate your program of interest.
The University of Denver admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.